When was the last time you tried something new? Was it comfortable or hard? Did it exhaust your patience? How was the overall experience?
In some way or another, there’s that inner voice inside us that always tell us not to go out of our comfort zone.
“Reuel! Huwag! Masasaktan ka lang!” (Reuel! Stop! You’ll only hurt yourself!)
Seems familiar, right? That inner voice that talks to you when you want to approach your crush?
Why? Life would be so much easier if we’ll just do what we are used to and chances of making mistakes is very slim, right?
Trying something new is sure not easy! But the most important thing in doing new things is you will learn something. You will expand your skills thus expanding your comfort zone just by doing it the first time.
We can use the world’s recent situation as an example. This pandemic is no joke! But once we experienced again another pandemic, we should be much more prepared than it first hit us. Or else, we didn’t learn anything. Here are few things we should have learned by this time due to COVID-19:
1. Importance of Emergency fund
2. Buy only essentials
3. Importance of having a budget
4. Cut down unnecessary expenses
5. Importance of having many sources of income
6. COVID-19 does not care if you are rich or poor. Everyone is vulnerable to it.
7. Health is really wealth! Physical and mental health!
8. Medical professionals should really be given importance
9. Adapting to changes is a very high skill
Adapting requires us to break down our walls, try new things, and expect that it will love us back. But most of the time, it does not love us back. And it really hurts so good that you’ll have this conversation with your inner voice,
Inner Voice: “Reuel! Huwag! Masasaktan ka lang ulit!” (Reuel! Stop! You’ll only hurt yourself again!)
Me: “Sanay naman na akong masaktan, ulit!” (I’m used to getting hurt, again and again)
But we have to learn to adapt to the new norm! And for those who has not adapted yet to the new norm, life will not be easy for you moving forward. That’s why there are businesses who laid-off or retrenched their employees to lessen their expenses and their businesses to survive. But for those who are still employed, your employers have adjusted fast with the current situation! Be grateful for them! You can still provide food for you and your family.
So, what must we do in this kind of situation? We almost have no choice, right? We have to adjust, adapt, change our game plan, and continue on with our life! Or else, who will feed us? Our savings and emergency fund are almost dried up, if we have set aside some.
So, go out there and try new things! That’s why, failing is a good thing. We learn more through failing than in winning!
Because when you are used to failure, your response improves each time! And time will come that your experiences will pay off!
During the 1st week of setting this website up, I had so many struggles! Exploring how this page works, how to put pictures, how to design. It was a mess! And I know this 1st published appearance is still not the best. It took me almost 2 months to push myself and finish my 1st website! And it still looks so basic, right? There are so many things to consider before I tried setting this up! But slow progress, is still a progress!
And I can say, today was the last time I tried something new! And it feels good!
TADA! My 1st ever own website and my 1st ever blog! Because of this website, I learned new skills, thus, I expanded my comfort zone!